Indexed Universal Life Insurance (IUL)
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Indexed Universal Life Insurance (IUL)

Indexed Universal life insurance has 4 key features for you and your family which may help make the planning process easier. 

 How your cash value can accumulate

When you make a payment, the life insurance company will allocate the net premium(1) to the index account(s) or the Basic Interest account, based on your instructions. These account options have the potential to earn interest on a tax-deferred basis, increasing the cash value of the policy (2). You may opt to use a cash accumulation strategy that allocates net premiums to more than one account option for the opportunity to earn different rates of interest. You can choose from the following account types. 


Indexed Universal Life gives you the opportunity to grow your policy value through excess interest (earnings above the guaranteed minimum rate)(3) that may be credited to your policy based partly on changes in the major stock indexes below. There are limitations on when you can transfer policy value between account options, but since tranfers are tax free, any earnings are protected from the erosive effect of taxes.

INDEX Descriptions


(1) Monthly deductions and index account charges will be taken from the policy to cover the cost of insurance, monthly policy fee, per unit charge, and charges for any additional rider or substandard rating.

(2) Monthly deductions and index account monthly charges will be taken from the policy to cover the cost of insurance, monthly policy fee, per unit charge, and charges for any additional rider or substandard rating.

(3)  Guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of the insurance company.

 For my information contact an Insurance Broker / Richard Sinton at 702-949-0930
